$12 ticket online early admission (last day to purchase March 27th)



Purchase your Iowa Valley PTO school carnival tickets a head of time.  Just bring in a snapshot of your purchase to the door to receive your wrist band(s) and your meal ticket(s).

Spring Carnival 

Parent Permission Slip 4th-6th Grade

For this year's Spring Carnival, the 4th-6th graders are going to have their own separate area for games. We are hoping this provides students a fun and safe event for students to be with their friends.  Their games are going to be mainly located in the new gym.  Our expectations are going to be high.  

  1. Students will be on good behavior and no horseplay such as jumping on people, wrestling each other, or interfering with others’ games.
  2. Students will not argue with the game leader or with opponents.
  3. Students will follow game rules and Mr. Christner’s PE equipment expectations.
  4. Students must have on clean tennis shoes.
  5. Once Students leave, they will not be allowed to come back into lock-in area. Students going into the younger kid area will not be allowed to play games and must be accompanied by an adult. 
  6. Adults must pick up students from the gym even at the end of the night for safety of the kids.

Any student that cannot follow these rules will have a parent called and asked to leave.  

Mar 28, 2025

Elementary Gym

5:30-7:30 (Please pick up @ 7:30)


In order for the students to attend the carnival and be left in the gym without an adult, this slip must be signed and a person to contact with phone number incase of emergency, pick-up, or other reasons.